Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual MusicQuanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music- mobile

Quanzhen Temples
Taoist Ritual Music

Quanzhen Temples
Taoist Ritual Music

Taoist ritual music consists of the Zhengyi (Orthodox Unity) and the Quanzhen (Complete Perfection) traditions. The Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music has been developed in Hong Kong for many years. The Taoist music inherited by Fung Ying Seen Koon is considered one of the most typical representatives of the Quanzhen temples tradition in Hong Kong. After decades of inheritance in Hong Kong, the liturgical music of Fung Ying Seen Koon has evolved into a kind of Taoist music with local characteristics under the influence of Cantonese opera and its singing style, Cantonese tunes, and other religious music genres such as Confucian and Buddhist music. Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music was inscribed onto the fourth national list of ICH in 2014.

